Saturday, 11 June 2016

What Does Sony Have Planned For E3 2016?

We've already seen a few new PlayStation exclusive titles being unveiled shortly before this year's E3 conference such as Kingdom Hearts 2.8, Gran Turismo Sport and World Of Final Fantasy. There are also titles which have been announced since last years E3 or even prior to that but have yet to get a confirmed release date such as The Last Guardian. On top of all that, there have been rumours circulating regarding a few more possible PlayStation exclusive titles being in the works. Let's not forget that Sony is also currently quite focused on developing games for their virtual reality project PSVR. It's going to be quite a busy year for Sony.

No PlayStation 4 "Neo"

Sony Executive, Andrew House, has already confirmed the existence of the PlayStation 4 "Neo" but has also said that they will not be discussing it at this year's E3 press conference. That's a bit disappointing for me since I was very much looking forward to finding out exact details concerning the new console's specs and aesthetic design. Sony haven't announced a confirmed release date nor price point for the new console, however, have stated that it will be sold along side the current PlayStation 4. 

Now, since PlayStation 4 "Neo" is officially off the table, what can Sony be planning in order to win this year's E3?

PlayStation VR

They could be planning to focus on PSVR and showing off the new PlayStation exclusive VR titles. However, this might prove to be an underwhelming affair since many have yet to buy into the idea of VR especially considering the price of the PlayStation VR headset currently set at USD $399. This could be Sony's attempt at convincing their audience that VR is worth their asking price. Personally, I would only consider purchasing a PSVR if the games for it are properly amazing. I guess we'll see if Sony manages to make a compelling argument in convincing the PSVR's worth.

Exclusive Titles

Sony might also be revealing a few more PlayStation exclusives which may or may not get confirmed release dates. The Last Guardian is a classic example of this. The game has reportedly been in development since 2007 and still Sony hasn't announced exactly when this game will be released. This could be one of the titles Sony will highlight during this years E3 and hopefully be giving us a release date. 

Besides The Last Guardian, Sony could be planning to reveal multiple new titles which have been rumoured but never confirmed. There have been multiple titles which fans have been discussing for a while now, among which are Spiderman, God Of War 4 and  The Last Of Us 2. 

All of this is just speculation for now. Nobody can really say what Sony is planning exactly. As a long time PlayStation owner, I hope Sony does make an impact at this year's E3 with some properly good announcements. I look forward to seeing what Sony will bring to this year's E3 press conference.

- Danial Aziz
Instagram : beyond_just_games

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